How to Sleep After a Tummy Tuck: The Ultimate Guide

How to Sleep After a Tummy Tuck: The Ultimate Guide

After a tummy tuck, sleep is one of the best ways to heal. But you’ll need to be aware of how you’re sleeping and adjust accordingly. Here’s how to get the best rest after a tummy tuck procedure:

How to Sleep After a Tummy Tuck

  • Sleeping on your back, with a pillow between your legs, is the best position to sleep in after surgery.
  • It’s also recommended you sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees.
  • Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended as it can cause more swelling and discomfort.

Sleeping position matters

Sleeping on your back is the best position for your recovery. This is because it allows you to rest while keeping your body straight and stable. It also helps to prevent swelling, as sleeping on one side can increase pressure on the tummy tuck incision. Sleeping on your back with bent knees will be more comfortable than sleeping flat, which can cause discomfort in the lower abdomen area.

The next best position for sleeping after a tummy tuck is on your side with a pillow between you and the bed to support the midsection of your body (this prevents compression of incisions).

Sleeping stomach down after surgery should be avoided because it can potentially damage new skin and scarring.

Sleeping Position – Side or Back?

You can sleep on either side with a pillow under your head, or between the knees. It’s also fine to sleep on your back if you want to, but you should avoid sleeping on your stomach because that puts pressure on the newly-formed abdominal muscles.

Painful areas may be more sensitive than other parts of the tummy, so it’s best not to move around too much while asleep. If you do wake up in pain in the middle of night, try massaging those areas gently before going back to sleep (or ask someone else for help).

Other Tips for Post-Tummy Tuck Sleep

Here are some more tips to help you get the best sleep after your tummy tuck:

  • Use a pillow between your knees to prevent back pain. Sleeping on your side is one of the most common positions after surgery and can be very uncomfortable, especially when you first start trying it out. Place a pillow between your knees while sleeping on your side—it’ll help keep them apart as well as relieve any pressure on the lower back that might occur from lying flat.
  • Use pillows around key areas of the body for support and comfort. You may need extra support under different parts of your body when you’re sleeping in order to feel comfortable or reduce pain during recovery time. For example, if you have pain at night from swelling in the legs (edema), place an extra pillow under each leg so that they’re elevated slightly above heart level instead of lying flat on top of them like normal; this will help reduce swelling and decrease discomfort during recovery time!

Sleeping on your back with your knees bent will help in recovery.

Sleeping on your back with your knees bent will help in recovery. This is because sleeping on your back can reduce swelling, pain, and scarring. In addition, sleeping in this position can also help the healing process to progress more smoothly.

To sleep comfortably while using a stomach binder:

  • Use pillows or rolled towels under the upper part of your body so that it’s elevated slightly higher than the lower part (to reduce pressure on sensitive areas). You may also choose to place a pillow behind your head for extra support and comfort.
a bedroom with a large bed in a room
a bedroom with a large bed in a room Creative Commons License

What kind of bed is best?

Before you can think about how to sleep after a tummy tuck, you need to find the right bed. Your surgeon will recommend a specific type of mattress for you and that’s great! But if your bed isn’t comfortable, supportive and pain-free, you’re not going to get any rest.

  • Choose an adjustable base. You’ll want one with adjustable lumbar support so it can accommodate different positions—lying down flat on your back or side, sitting up in bed reading or watching TV…or even standing up at night (if that’s something you do). (We’ll talk more about this later!) A memory foam mattress is generally the most comfortable type of mattress too! Feel free to try out lots of different types before making your decision though—you may be surprised by some unexpected results!

Pillows and other bedding

For the first few weeks, you may need to use pillows to support your head and back.

  • A thin pillow under the knees will help reduce stress on the lower back.
  • A pillow between your legs, placed under the hips, will help keep them higher than the abdomen. This can reduce swelling in this area and help with breathing during sleep.
  • A small pillow beneath each arm can also be used to provide added comfort while sleeping on your side or back, depending on how long it’s been since surgery and what position you prefer to sleep in most often. If possible, try using one between both arms so they rest comfortably next to each other instead of being stretched apart at an awkward angle (which may cause discomfort).

Listen to your body

A few things to keep in mind while sleeping:

  • Don’t overdo it. Your body is going to be tired after surgery, so give it a break when you can and take lots of naps. It’s okay if you don’t feel like doing much for a few days after your tummy tuck procedure or post-procedure period; just be sure not to overdo it!
  • Try not to sleep on your stomach or back with legs straight out. If you’re at all uncomfortable trying any other position (such as on your side), then by all means use that instead. But try not sleeping flat on the bed, especially with your legs stretched out straight under the covers; this could cause unnecessary pain and swelling at the site of incision sites or where drains were inserted into the tissue (if present).
  • Use pillows and blankets strategically for best results: Use one pillow under your head and another behind your back when lying down flat on either side; if needed, place something soft beneath knees if they are bent slightly toward each other during this time period after surgery (you can also use pillows between knees). This will help maintain proper alignment while keeping pressure off sensitive areas such as those around incisions where drains may have been placed during surgery.”

If you have any questions about sleeping after a tummy tuck, feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to help!

Astrid Hirthe
Dr. Astrid Hirthe is a plastic and reconstructive specialist prepared and taught in the old style custom. She procured her PCP of Medication degree at the College of Virginia Institute of Medication. Dr. Astrid Hirthe then spent the following seven years participated in careful preparation at Lehigh Valley Emergency clinic in Allentown, Pennsylvania, where she finished the full residency preparing program in both General A medical procedure and Plastic and Reconstructive Medical procedure.

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